Ears everywhere!

No on the cloud and no apps on my cheapo phone. I don't even like to text! lol I'm essentially homebound so I don't get out and about at all. I'm thinking it's my TV or laptop, although I have all listening devices on them set to "off". Means nothing these days despite what the settings may say.
Yes, the television and lap top have aps that listen as well.
Another reason I have no "smart" phone, wifi device, tablet, Alexa, "smart" appliance, cable TV or even a microwave oven.

The most high-tech devices I have are a hard-wired desktop computer and a "flip phone" which can't run aps or connect to the web and has no personal information besides a few phone numbers. And, a TV set with a hard-wired antenna for local broadcasts.

I also live in a 100-year old house with lead-based painted walls. Sort of a giant tinfoil hat. :)
I agree with Lynne; the eavesdroppers will definitely be bored of listening to me complain about every little ache and pain, lol.
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