Early Bird or Night Owl?

I am a night owl. Too many years working night shift. Honestly I feel like I’m always up.
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Definitely a morning person. I seem to be able to wake up immediately and feel mostly mentally charged though my body needs 30 minutes to catch up. Certainly my psychic self is more “on” in the morning. I think that is true for my creative self; I think later in the day my mind is typically too jumbled from the day’s activities.
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I like to throw open the curtains, open the window and inhale the crisp morning air as I watch the sky turn into a kaleidoscope of wonder as the life giving glory of the sun creeps over the horizon, sigh with happiness, and then close the curtains and go to bed in a good mood.
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Depends on the situation but most of the time I'm a night owl. I can stay up until the early hours easy. Before I was working I had to actually force myself to go to bed by 3am otherwise I'll pull all-nighters and screw up my sleep cycle. But now that I'm working I'm an early bird. I get up at 4:45am just to miss the traffic and end up getting to work 3 hours before I'm actually on the clock
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