Does This Medieval Fresco Show A Hallucinogenic Mushroom in the Garden of Eden?

I don't know about the hallucinogenic mushroom theory but Eve's ribs being accented lean towards the mythology that God created Eve from a rib of Adam. Early physicians even performed autopsies on women to see if they had one less rib than men.

The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is another interesting myth. Snakes and trees have always been closely related in both the natural and supernatural worlds. Snakes are often part of the shamanic journey experienced by shamans who use hallucinogenic plants. Maybe there is something to the hallucinogenic mushroom theory in that aspect.

Since the hallucinogenic mushrooms are pictured as part of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, a Jewish rabbi once told me that God had to evict Adam and Eve after eating that fruit before they also violated the rule of not eating from the Tree of Life. Apparently, this rabbi believed that if they had eaten fruit from the Tree of Life, the combination of the fruits was far beyond what God wished humans to be.