Do you hear the cicadas?


Linux Inside!
Oct 24, 2013
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East of the Rockies
Last week I went outside to mow the lawn, and I heard it. A sort of buzzing hum, coming from all around. At first I wasn't sure what it was, but quickly flashed back to my youth and remembered the sound as the one made by a horde of freshly emerged male cicadas as they try to entice the lady cicadas into the boudoir. They have hatched from eggs deposited in the ground thirteenth years ago, and will be here for about a month before the cycle is complete. In 2027 their offspring will hatch and sing their own songs.

This round of the bug-eyes insects seems to be spooking people. Local PDs from the area have gotten calls from concerned citizens who have thought the noise might be anything from the sky noises others have reported in recent years to a landing mother ship. Have the noisy little critters hatched in your neck of the woods? My oldest says he heard them this morning in Kansas City.
Haven't heard them hear yet, but now that I know it's year 13, I've got my listening ears on! I remember how noisy they can be, too. We had a mid-way hatch a few years ago of some smaller version of them, and that was bad enough. Out here in the country setting, it's gonna get loud!
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