Do you have a prayer request?

Another one for myself, and my former friend (even though it's HARD for me) her mom, garnetsilver and anyone else that needs one. Praying myself as I'm sure you've all seen is difficult because again, most if not all seem to go unanswered. I don't exactly feel like I had the 'best' relationship with god right now. Never really have.
Prayers for my friend Terry. 10 of her own patients in the nursing facility in which she works have tested Covid positive. There may be more, but she has been advised of these 10 she has worked with daily. Her husband has a severe chronic illness and is bed bound as well. She's terrified she may bring this home to him but she is his caretaker. This is a front line worker's nightmare. Pray for her patients as well.
I have just received a text from my friend Terry, who was exposed at her nursing facility last week. She has sudden onset of deep wracking cough, high temp, and extreme fatigue. It's very probable it's Covid.

She is a high risk for complications, as is her bedbound husband which she cares for. She has been asthmatic her whole life. She has stayed on the front lines caring for her geriatric patients despite the risks.