Disembodied voice

Welcome to the forum Kuroshi. So was this a one time deal or has it happened a few times? Sometimes these things are isolated incidents so an investigation might prove futile.
I had been planning on investigating but a lot further into the future but if they are trying contact me i got to find out about what it is they wanna tell or maybe il be able to help them move on. but the weird feelings i get i always get when i go into the living room so that is active as well as my bedroom door which almost every night opens up iv'e tried to make a lot of disturbances around the door even pull on it hard but it wont open to all that.

im gonna do the investigation on the weekend cause i don't have time during weekdays cause i have a job and i have to get up at 06:00 in the morning.
If you decide to do a recording obviously get as quite as possible. Do prayer before and after if you want. As well remember that if this is a intelligent entity it is as smart at least as a regular human. Treat them with respect don't command them or be rude. If it is negative command them to leave of course but if you did that to a live human they would be offended, right? Introduce yourself even though they likely already know you, then ask who is around you, then ask what is your name.

Some people say not to tell them they are already dead because it upsets them but I suppose it could happen. It's not exactly a first introduction conversation haha. I would feel it out depending on their abilities, honesty, emotional state etc. just take it all with a grain of salt. Spirit can lie of course as well. Most EVP's are a class B meaning they need head phones and they are kind of whispery. I have only gotten a handful of class A's in about 100 recordings. The class b's are still riveting. Hearing multiple people screaming "help" but it being like a weird whisper scream, that's not a lie. Most of the time you can tell if it is honest or not but there will be some which are dubious.
Here is a EVP beginners guide I wrote.

So you want to hear the voices of the deceased and undead? What insane equipment do you need? Where do you start? How do you make contact?

Well luckily it doesn't have to cost thousands of dollars and a movie like haunted house. Some ghost hunters believe cheaper records can be more successful sometimes due to the lack of a noise reducer. I use a mid-level recorder (was about $40 on amazon) with a duel core noise reducer and can get EVP's easily. However they are extremely quiet, I will be getting a cheaper recorder for experimentation. A cheap $20-$30 recorder new will do just fine. If you can find one at a pawn shop for cheap even better. Other than a recorder you will need headphones and if you want to share or edit your audio you will need a laptop with a audio software like audacity or WavePad both have free versions. A camera can greatly benefit your research. Both adding visual evidence, and some nicer camera's you can plug in a microphone into them, so you can get EVP's from your camera. There are multiple ways to set up a microphone for EVP. Some researchers believe adding the microphone to the camera allows a more powerful experience. Getting a microphone that is advanced like a parabolic microphone can increase the quality and loudness of the EVP's tremendously. There are pieces of equipment nowadays that allow real-time listening to the recording opening the door for the first time to 2 way communication. Where as usually you would need to turn off the recorder and analyze your recording you can respond back immediately.

Where to go? Well most places that have been lived in will have spirits already. Especially true if your land has been used for centuries. If your location was the site of negative events it will most likely have both human and non-human spirits. I would go far as to say as most people could record spirits in their own home, but do they have the gumption? This is something only you can decide, but it is something to put thought into. If you have bought your property are you okay with knowing there are negative spirits there? If you love your property you will fight for it regardless and fight for your health and sanity. Just because you move doesn't mean that negative spirits wont follow you, and just because you don't do EVP doesn't mean you are safe from negative spirits.

How do you stay safe? Is it safe? Well it depends on where you are, what is around you, how you feel, how stable/susceptible you are. I would be very hesitant to knowingly go into a location people are being physically attacked. If you are recording and get violent thoughts, images, or disturbing feelings it is best to turn off the recorder and begin praying/cleansing. If you receive threats, cursing, or anything intimidating it should be a red flag, and you need to take things seriously. I have been physically scratched in a demonic infested apartment. My brother in law went psychotic and moved out and was fine outside the apartment but when he came over he would go into a fit of rage immediately. If you are stuck in a place and are being attacked seek help. There are groups in most cities that will try and help you, but they should never charge any money. Use your discretion letting people into your homes for blessings. If someone comes in and does a bad ritual and not a good ritual you will be in more danger, always trust your gut instincts. If something feels wrong, note it, don't ignore it. Sage, holy objects, palo santo, holy water, crystals, fossils, oracles are all things I use to protect myself from negativity. But the most important rule when around negative entities isdo not feel fear. You must gather a wide range of tools to eliminate any doubt, fear, anxiety or anything but strength and love. I have found that a mix of native american, western, and eastern practices for gather strength have worked. As well as mental exercises these are critical and are your main defense from oppression and possession.

How do you make first contact? Start by being ginger, do not command. Ask them to come speak with you and speak with honesty. You can ask this time for your ancestor spirits and oracles to protect you. I ask Hermes and others for assistance in honest clear communication. Ask simple questions at first to determine the intelligence of your haunting. If it is not responding to your questions but just talking about nothing you're saying you must listen to future recordings closely to determine if it is a residual haunting of someone repeating the same thing over and over or just the echoes of a massive event. Also note sounds of their voices to determine how many spirits there truly are. Ask how many spirits there are. Some people say to avoid telling them they are dead or passed on because they can become upset. I suppose it's possible but i've never had it happen, they usually will affirm yes you are alive.

Editing your evidence, if you are like me some EVP's will be quieter than a whisper, you will need to turn up your audio by up to 800% to hear them. Although this is not credible evidence and while it may be fun to listen to your expectations for "credible scientific" evidence needs to be very high. Avoid any noise contamination, keep trying and eventually they will be loud. It's pretty much up to the spirit to decide how loud they want to manifest, so it may take a few times to get something as loud as the human conversation or louder, but it DOES happen, and that is gold. Especially if you have video evidence to back up the audio.

  1. Get your space as quiet as possible and minimize interruptions. If you're next to a highway like I was, what you can do may be limited, remind the spirits to be loud for you.
  2. Turn on the device and introduce yourself, ask how many spirits are around you right now. Think of something that will get their minds churning, as it will result in louder EVP's when you "hit the nail on the head" especially emotional EVP's. Keep it short. 2-5 minutes will be good. Keeping it under 10 minutes will help fatigue because it can be a lot analyzing the evidence. Researchers recording hours at a time, hats off to you. Keep a copy of your recordings as a backup as I have had my most important raw recordings corrupted when trying to analyze.
  3. Analyze your recordings, for some reason they are a lot louder on my pc than with the recorder itself. If you have something, share it!
when i get home il see if i can upload one off my evp sessions, i did three sessions after 03:00, but only one had something, cause there is the sound off nail clippers in it and i dont have any nail clippers, and between the two sounds i can hear some mumbling, i used audacity to listen so i could isolate the sounds to listen to it over and over again easier and also enhance the audio to hear it easier aswell.
and also i spoke my native language abit in it and changed it to english to see if there was any other spirits other than norwegian. i also removed the mirror from my room but its still in the house and it was positioned looking straight at the bed.
it should work now. also its in the first silent period of the audio file.
It is the first time i have heard a disembodied voice out off nowhere, i was walking around my house 06:40 in the morning and watching youtube video and getting ready to go to work i walk past my living room door which is open when i hear i aloud clear male voice saying "hello" it scared the living daylights outta me and i ran upstairs, there has been death on the property before which might elicit activity.

Im no Paranormal expert, but after this i have to do an investigation cause i have had more and more activity happen to me my bedroom door opens and closes by itself, and i saw this myself one time and started recording right away and ended up catching orbs fly around the room.

do anyone think i should do a full investigation? even doh i have limited equipment i dont have emf or a mel but my phone has a voice recorder maybe il get something?

HI I had several clear hearing experiences. Not that many but in different places, not tied to one environment. I would say that there is sometimes years between them. The first one was a very pleasant and beautiful voice, in a strange language. The 2nd one I can remember was on the eve when a woman and her kids were murdered by a disgruntled employee of her husband, I heard Hello, where am I? In an female voice with her accent. The last one, was a very loud noise/shout in my ear. I jumped. All of this happened when I was between awake and sleep in, more awake than sleep but enough to have my guard down. I posted this on a another forum as I was curious and someone said I am a schizophrenic. Well I am not, that I know for sure. I left that forum. I post again because I had a very weird experience last night...since long time. It was not sleep paralysis. That I have experienced too, feels like a demon on your chest but can be explained biologically. But this...I will put it in another post.
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HI I had several clear hearing experiences. Not that many but in different places, not tied to one environment. I would say that there is sometimes years between them. The first one was a very pleasant and beautiful voice, in a strange language. The 2nd one I can remember was on the eve when a woman and her kids were murdered by a disgruntled employee of her husband, I heard Hello, where am I? In an female voice with her accent. The last one, was a very loud noise/shout in my ear. I jumped. All of this happened when I was between awake and sleep in, more awake than sleep but enough to have my guard down. I posted this on a another forum as I was curious and someone said I am a schizophrenic. Well I am not, that I know for sure. I left that forum. I post again because I had a very weird experience last night...since long time. It was not sleep paralysis. That I have experienced too, feels like a demon on your chest but can be explained biologically. But this...I will put it in another post.

I also had once when I was a teenager a quite long conversation with another girl one a dial phone (yes there were still dial phones :) whilst I had not dialled a number. I was bored, I picked up the phone and said Hello who is there and low and behold I got an answer. It was difficult to understand (as there were still the noise of the phone) but managed to keep a conversation going. I remember vaguely the conversation. I did not think any of it. But after I heard clear voices out of nothing, I starting thinking that there is a connection. Like I said it does not happen very often, I am totally not into this, sorry to say. So would be happy if someone can give a logical explanation for the telephone experience.
If its okay with you I would like to enhance this audio a little bit so see If I can make out any clear voices. If I find anything I'll post them here so you can translate.
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