Dark Matter 10/1 | Art Bell interviews Richard C Hoagland and Whitley Strieber

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Listened to Art's show from last night twice, then decided to slum it over at Georgie's since I need something on in the background as I work. Well, I nearly fell out of my chair when I heard Snoory say, "You know I’m not a believer in coincidence, but what do you believe, what do you think about the syncronicity of things?" This was George asking his first hour guest questions, about 50 minutes in.

Can you imagine Art saying something so juvenile? Snoory says it like he has String Theory figured out:

"You know, there are no coincidences." [Theory developed by twentieth/twenty-first-century scholar/philosopher/physicist, George Noory of radio fame.]
What was up with Richard C. Hoagland and cats, btw? I remember him saying something about that cats, right after the great apes, were the closest to us DNA-wise. What? Does anyone have any additional info on this macadamia-flavored theory?
I see you are not familiar with The Cat from Red Dwarf. ;)
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