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Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy


I've been watching this since I first heard about it about two weeks ago. Didn't post it then as I didn't want to be a doom porn type, but the fact it's such a virulent and mutating virus has me posting it now. The death rate is high on it, although they are trying to downplay that.

This one can scar your lungs. About two years ago I ran into a flu that did just that to me and has left me on 02 for life. I'll be watching this situation, and I post it to warn all of you to take some safety precautions out there if we hear this is starting to spread more. We already have two cases in the US, and it doesn't take much to let these things loose in the world.

Hoping we don't have a Captain Trips moment here....


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Great. Just what we need, more diseases that are most likely antibiotic resistant.
It is resistant. Nothing has worked with it, and as it's a virus, no antibiotic is gonna hit it anyway. The antivirals don't seem to touch it so far, either, from what I've read. Still hard to get a lot of info, but I'm watching it.
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I'm glad to see they are checking people coming from these areas when arriving in Oz.Still I think it's a public stunt to appease the locals as apparently this has a two week incubation and what are they checking?The more the population grows,the more nature will try to level it off.Too many people,everyone knows it but you dare not mention it.
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About two years ago I ran into a flu that did just that to me and has left me on 02 for life.
I'm really sorry to hear that. There was a particularly nasty strain of 'something' going around about 2 - 3 years ago. I seem to have caught it for several years in a row, and one year I had it twice. And I would certainly describe it as a deep attack on my respiratory system. It also had symptoms of both a really bad cold and flu at the same time. Though I don't recall having a fever or nausea. The worst part is that it would linger seemingly for weeks. Since then I always get my flu shot early. I'm doctor averse, so I never identified it conclusively.
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Sorry to hear that Debi.
Yes they are screening 2 people here in Australia on the Gold Coast.
I did see a video of some people falling over in China I wasn’t sure if it was real or not.
China's lab for studying SARS and Ebola is in Wuhan, the outbreak's center | Daily Mail Online

  • The Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory is the only lab in China designated for studying dangerous pathogens like SARS and Ebola
  • Ahead of its January 2018 opening, biosafety experts and scientists from the US expressed concerns that a virus could escape the lab
  • In 2004, a SARS virus 'leaked' from a lab in Beijing
  • Experts say the coronavirus that's infected more than 800 people mutated in animals and became capable of infecting humans at the Wuhan seafood market
  • But a 2017 article warned of the unpredictability of lab animals that scientists at the Wuhan lab intended to inject with viruses
OK, not trying to scare anyone. Just gathering the headlines together on this so if you've watching it you can keep up. It's changing fast out there.
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