Christmas Day 5 (It's Go time)

Donna K.

Truth Seeker
Sep 5, 2018
Reaction score
The very Haunted Wood's... Ozarks
A Blessed and Sacred Christmas Eve friends.

As you can see, the monitor is up and secure (for now). I was up very late... VERY late... messing with it. It was an eye opening journey, and A Blessed one. It was my intention to come here this morning and spin you a Telling about that journey, which truthfully I found hilarious... until I didn't. So I come with a different and far more reverent attitude. For this moment and this post.

The truth is that I worked on that cord for hours - until the dawn filled my windows. I saw the problem immediately and gathered what I needed to fix it. I worked diligently and urgently doing the same thing over and over then returning to the beginning place in exact replication of what I had done before. I never once thought "WHY is this not working?" My thought (when I had one) was "This will work" . Now. I had the same kind of experience the night before that I mentioned to Debi jokingly... the situation was different - placing rocks in a small container to hold up my little tree... the pattern exact... for over 2 hours I arraigned and re-arranged those rocks over and over and over until my fingertips were sore and my hands cramping with the repetitive motion. When a 'awareness' of myself reappeared I chocked it up to exhaustion and chuckled to myself and went to bed.

The clock read 540 a.m. Although I started at different times on these two chores - the awareness of myself returned to the minute both times. I never gave that more than a passing thought then gone. Until this afternoon, when I went to come here and wound up stringing a tiny strand of lights on the little tree that should have taken me 30 minutes... I started that at 11:30. THIS time... the BOOMS brought me to myself and full attention. These booms started about the time I made my entrance here... the day before in fact. That day there was ONE boom and it had tremendous percussion energy... then dead silence. My old friend and neighbor called immediately and asked ... You hear that??? ... Yep ... what'd ya think? ... I don't know... sonic boom maybe... maybe. sounded more like an explosion or hmmmm is there a major storm near? My dogs are acting like they do when a serious storm is coming.... all pacy and anxious and stuff... Mine too... by today they wont go out without me but don't want to be in either... Each day the booms have multiplied - today one every 30 or so minutes since morning. The grapevine is humming, authorities contacted and questioned - nothing.

Where I am going with all this is - from now until tomorrow is going to be a slug fest - Positive against negative Energies... I know exactly what happened to me - the booms are new -

I wanted to offer you awareness - (if I was that easily distracted others might be too is what I am saying). It is a trick... an illusion once seen evaporates so lets move on with CHRISTMAS! Light will Hold and your love, laughter, and Positive ENERGY upholds those on the Borderline. Cause we be bad :cool:


I'll be back... with Bell's on.

Oh yeah... I forgot to tell you... I was working on the wrong cord - the right one was in my lap.