CERN discovery could break science


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy

CERN Scientists Just Made A Mind-Blowing Discovery That Could 'Break Science'

Large Hadron Collider Uncovers News that Might Undermine Physics

A discovery by the Large Hadron Collider might just blow everything about physics out of the water. The news came after scientists found an anomaly, in reality, said to be impossible that is so huge physics could be undermined.

100 years of physics may be washed away in the sub-atomic world, a world where particles that were at one point thought to be only wisps of existence, living for only microseconds. The discovery by the Large Hadron Collider is set to undermine the "Standard Model". The Standard Model is the foundation of all modern physics; it is what forms a theory of everything.

Physicist Said If the Anomaly is Proven Science Will be Broken Apart

Physicist Tara Shears has been carrying out research at the Large Hadron Collider. She has been studying the anomaly and said if it is proven to be correct science will break apart:

"As a particle physicist, it’s as big as Einstein. It’s hugely exciting because it would lead to us breaking science and would have huge implications."

All major scientists followed the Standard Model, including Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein. Many have firmly believed that they were getting ever closer to coming across the theory that would explain the universe. The optimism of researchers and scientists has now been confounded by the discovery made by the Large Hadron Collider.

Repeated Findings Dismissed Thoughts of a Quirk with the Collider
Those working at the LHC first dismissed their new findings believing them to be a mistake or perhaps some type of quirk of the collider. However, they were blown away when identical findings repeated, strange movements of the small particle with the name of a “Muon”, with the findings, seemingly being conclusive proof. The repeated findings were not something that could be explained when using the "norms" of theoretical physics.

Professor of Physics at the University of Liverpool, Ms. Shears, talked about how "normal" particles behaved and were in line with the predictions of theoretical physics. She presented a case by saying that an electron decays particles with the name of Taus, sending out Muons.

The Muons Did Not Adhere to Standard Model
Strangely the Muons did not adhere to the physics applied by the Standard Model. Shears said:

"Muons were produced 25 percent less often than electrons. That can only happen if there’s new physics out there. The LHC findings are 25 percent too low, and we are eagerly awaiting the outcome of this data – if it stays like this, then this would be the first sign of something genuinely new out there. We have no idea what it is – it’s nothing we’ve known before."

If scientists are able to solve the puzzle of the Muon anomaly they hope it will lead to them to solving one of the biggest riddles in the world of physics, dark matter.

Ms. Shears said:

"That is the next step in this adventure. Many people thought we would find evidence of dark matter and our testing is still very hopeful. This is bigger than the Higgs Boson, it is Nobel Prize winning stuff, it tells us what the universe is made of. We are desperate to find answers to these questions – but we are just seeing measurements that don’t fit."
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The standard model was always incomplete and there is more to discover. This sounds very exciting especially maybe on the way to explaining dark matter. This just might be the start of a new chapter in particle physics as well as physics in general, I'll be following this closely.
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I don’t know if breaking science is a good idea. These expiroments might give us answers we can’t control. They’re gonna open Pandora’s box I’m afraid.