Can Dreams predict a death?

Thank you Lynne
I guess you are right I need to tell her, I guess I would feel pretty bad if I did not and something happened to her, but like I said none of my dreams have ever come true, I think they are fear based most of the time, now I do get some invention ideas from my dreams.

I try not to think about the danger my kids are in or I would be a wreak, my son was caught in that protest in Ecuador 3-4 weeks ago and held hostage for a while, but I only know about it because one of my daughters told her mom, what he told her.

The way I look at it when it comes to kids, we have to accept life the way it is dealt to us and then adapt the best we can. That does not mean that I do not worry, just try to keep it to a minimum. They are hard heads and think they are 10 times smarter than their parents, and rarely take any advice from them.
Thank you Lynne
I guess you are right I need to tell her, I guess I would feel pretty bad if I did not and something happened to her, but like I said none of my dreams have ever come true, I think they are fear based most of the time, now I do get some invention ideas from my dreams.

I try not to think about the danger my kids are in or I would be a wreak, my son was caught in that protest in Ecuador 3-4 weeks ago and held hostage for a while, but I only know about it because one of my daughters told her mom, what he told her.

The way I look at it when it comes to kids, we have to accept life the way it is dealt to us and then adapt the best we can. That does not mean that I do not worry, just try to keep it to a minimum. They are hard heads and think they are 10 times smarter than their parents, and rarely take any advice from them.
Better to be forewarned and hedge our bets in this life.
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Fascinating subject! I really enjoy reading your thoughts and experiences. The only persons death I’ve dreamt of is my own. In my dream I had cancer and it spread to my brain. The dream unsettled me. I had melanoma 8 years ago. I hope my dream had some other meaning. But I treat my life as a gift and live fully each day. The future is promised to no one. I didn’t get a sense from the dream that my possible fate could be coming soon.

I did have a dream that my dear friend was pregnant. I texted her that morning. Her hubby found it pretty weird that I knew since they had just found out themselves and hadn’t shared the joyful news.

Not dreams, but I had dinner with my soon to be in laws right before they left For the Camino de Santiago. I had the overwhelming feeling this would be the last time I’d see my husbands father. He passed from a heart attack while in Spain.

The morning of the tragic Sandy hook massacre I had an intense sense of dread. Not for myself but toward something I couldn’t pinpoint. I was shaken when I heard the news.

The day before the Boston marathon bombing they were talking about the event on NPR, I had a gut feeling, I kept thinking it would be prime target for a terrorist attack. The next day it unfolded and I realized then these experiences aren’t coincidence and that I should listen to my gut feelings. I was pregnant myself when I had those two experiences. I was very sensitive during my pregnancies. I wonder if the veil thins while your gestating a new life.
I was very sensitive during my pregnancies. I wonder if the veil thins while your gestating a new life.
That is a very interesting observation! I can remember being more sensitive to the energies while pregnant myself....and that's going back years. I hadn't thought of the veil being thinner..possibly for the new soul to come through and connect.