Cadborosaurus – Cryptid Campfire Video Podcast

Other than the really fast 'thing' i saw down by river in my old neighborhood, i used to have recurring Bigfoot dreams when i was a kid. I guess cause i read so much on those things back then...Bigfoot..Nessie...Bermuda Triangle...etc...not sure. But the one dream that i remember vividly, we were sitting at our table and i saw Bigfoot come out of woods and head toward our house. I told my parents as in the dream, my brother was playing basketball out back. I go outside (great move kid) and check on my brother. Seeing he was NOT out back, i was like uh oh...and hid inside my fathers car. As Bigfoot walked by, i waited till i could get back inside where my parents were. So, i left the car ran to door and for some stupid reason, i shut the screen door and crouched at it lol. I heard the heavy footsteps on the brick porch and i turned my head to look up at the screen window...and there he was,, standing at door looking down at me and smiled lol. I mean damn, he smiled at me lol as he reached for the door. lol Sorry off topic, but that one now always makes me laugh and slightly cringe lol