Brain Slippage?


Tier-1 Mod
Feb 9, 2022
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New Jersey
Figured i'd post this craziness lol. Now, i am really good at looking at stuff and discerning what i need to do and what is involved for my job. Sadly i had a video and for some reason i deleted it from my phone. I looked at a job maybe a few weeks ago or less...not sure. In my career jobs tend to blend together and details can get crossed. It happens. This job i was absolutely sure what i saw and figured how to get wiring to the roof. I came back at the later date to do the actual install and it was NOT what i remembered lol. I videoed into a cavity of a dead space/bump out to get onto the roof. I knew i'd have to drill down through the bump out to get wiring fished through to the drop ceiling below. When i came back, it was solid block with a steel I beam above it. There was no way humanly possible to do it lol. What the hell did i look at the first time? I mean i spent a good deal of time looking at this to come up with a game plan. So day of went South lol. I spent a good few minutes staring at this wondering what did i look at the first time? There is no way i couldn't see what i saw upon the return trip. Did my brain imagine something that was not there? You hear of time slippage and things changing almost without us noticing...almost. I know i am getting older but, am i getting that bad where i am inserting random things in place of actual thoughts? Damn...i hope not lol. Never had this happen in my almost 30 years of electrical work. I look at something and it's spot on. This one had me dumbfounded. I did find another path up to the roof for their signs, but still...where did that memory come from lol. Not paranormal but i am leaning to brain slippage. That is a very, very scary thought to me as i need my wits about me to do my job. When things turn out to Not be as they are seen...vividly...oh my. Sorry for the funky rant but it really made me stand back a few minutes and rethink things. It is amazing (and scary) how the brain can work like that. Anyone else have something like that happen?
Dang, Steve! That just sounds like too big of a glitch to be your memory alone, especially since you were scoping it out to do a job. I have recently heard a lot of stories about these kind of glitches with time/space and and even Mandela effect in play. It appears this is on an increase the last two years. I have no easy answer for you on this one, but I would not rule out something beyond simple memory.
Sorry for the funky rant but it really made me stand back a few minutes and rethink things. It is amazing (and scary) how the brain can work like that. Anyone else have something like that happen?
There are a couple of salient points here I'd like to make.

Firstly, I'll bet that you were the only person to see the entire bump vs I beam issue in decades. The number of witnesses does seem to affect these things. The less of an established fact something is, the more fluid its reality often is.

Secondly, are you sure you were in the right house the first time buddy? :oops::D;gs

Thirdly, one interpretation of the Mandela Effect is that we live in the multiple worlds universe and we get bounced into the nearest factually similar reality when we die in one of them. In which case, both you and I are accident prone, lol.
are you sure you were in the right house the first time
Absolutely lol. It was not a house but a church. Same building, corner, bump out location etc lol. Just way different than i looked at. Even had my phone in the bump out filming up into it lol. Something changed in that time. Hence why leaning to brain slippage lol. Don't know how that happened, but scary to me just the same.
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Thirdly, one interpretation of the Mandela Effect is that we live in the multiple worlds universe and we get bounced into the nearest factually similar reality when we die in one of them. In which case, both you and I are accident prone, lol.
I actually had a dream in which there were three different world's available to me but I had no choice in which one I get to live in and was sent to live in one in which my parents were "different". Different in what manner I can't remember.
Absolutely lol. It was not a house but a church. Same building, corner, bump out location etc lol. Just way different than i looked at. Even had my phone in the bump out filming up into it lol. Something changed in that time. Hence why leaning to brain slippage lol. Don't know how that happened, but scary to me just the same.
I'm glad you liked my joke there. The reason I even raised it is that I have heard about people from old Levittown suburbs where all the houses (made of ticky tack, like in the song) all look the same, get a bit disoriented and wind up walking into the wrong house on the wrong street because they took a wrong turn. Much like when people mistake someone else's car for their car in a parking lot, because it is the same model and they forgot where they actually parked.

On a related note Selectric, I have a similar story to tell. I have a female friend (Babs) who went to her (and my) friend Renata's house one afternoon. Babs found the door open and wandered into the place looking for her friend only find the place deserted after going room to room, and feeling really eerie and dark, and like she was being watched, so she fled. So anyhow she closed the door and was leaving, when Renata opens the door, and invites Babs in, and Renata's family are all busily cooking and joking in the kitchen where Babs was less than 1 min prior. Interestingly, and possibly related, the house in question is haunted by the ghost of an Irish lad (called Jack) from back when the house used to be a drinking establishment. The lad famously said "And may god strike me dead if I tell a lie" after telling a tall tale, and fell down dead. He is a mischievous spirit but not actually nasty. I know both women quite well, needless to say, but I've never been a victim of Jack's mischief.
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