Blue-eyed Gargoyle

Reminds me of friends i knew when i was a teenager. One of them swore he summoned 'something' one night. That something could very well have contributed to the strange stuff in and around the woods. I didn't take any of it with too much thought until the night we were discussing it and the bedroom light shut off on us lol.
This reads like one of those kid type horror books. I do believe it is possible to summon up evil things and open portals, weather these kids knew how to do this is questionable. If they did it is a pretty dumb thing to do, and I hope it isn't still out in the area causing harm to people.
When I was a kid I liked to read books about paranormal subjects and often visited our local library for that purpose. I never came across a book with directions on summoning up beasties, but if I had, I probably would have tried.
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