Asteroid Full of Gold

Supply and demand - if there was more of it around it would be worth less.

Supply and demand!! That is why the size of pennies shrank in 1857. When they started using copper for electrical uses and the telegraph lines the size of the penny had to shrink a LOT. Dirt cheap gold would be great for the electronics industry. It would replace lead solder for a lot of uses. There is also the possibility of huge diamonds in the asteroid belt.

The nice thing about mining the asteroid belt is that delivering their minerals to Earth will be an all downhill delivery. Give it a push and then gather it in when it gets here. The thing is that we can't really develop the asteroids from Earth because the cost of getting out of this gravitational hole is huge. We need to first develop on the moon and then all that we will ship up from Earth will be people and luxuries.

I think that a lot of the problems that we are having on this world now may be the lack of frontiers. There is no place for the people with wanderlust to go anymore and those energies end up in places that are not very productive. Not everybody is of the nature to enjoy our Oh so civilized world.
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