As I kid I thought...


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy

In the 1960's , we had a black and white tv. My neighbor had the only color set in the neighborhood. I thought that they must be rich
Color TV! Yes! I remember getting our first one.

A pool. My "aunt", the wife of the TV repairman who often fixed that TV, had a lovely in ground pool with a full deck and all the fancy stuff. She was mom's close friend from childhood, and getting an invite to Aunt MaryAnne's pool was a special treat. We always thought of her as the "rich" lady.
A clothes dryer.

I was in jr. high before we got an electric clothes dryer. Except that the only place it could go was in our detached garage, so all laundry had to be packed outside to the garage if you wanted to dry it fast, otherwise it went on the clothesline. I remember carrying steaming baskets of wet laundry out to the dryer in winter.
I didn't even know what a mircrowave oven was when dad brought one home at about the same time. I sure thought we were "movin' on up" that year. Lol, I was pretty naïve back then.
I remember being very impressed when people took a real vacation, as in going somewhere other than to visit/stay with relatives during the summer. If they flew, I figured they were Rockefeller rich.
Way back when...cable tv. I remember my aunt and uncle having i believe one of the first...WHT.
I didn't get cable until 2014, lol, and I am about to pull the plug on the "basic" cable that's all that we still have, and nobody watches anymore. So cable TV will have had less than a ten-year run in my life. I still think only rich people can really afford it, along with decent healthcare.
I was in jr. high before we got an electric clothes dryer. Except that the only place it could go was in our detached garage, so all laundry had to be packed outside to the garage if you wanted to dry it fast, otherwise it went on the clothesline. I remember carrying steaming baskets of wet laundry out to the dryer in winter.
I didn't even know what a mircrowave oven was when dad brought one home at about the same time. I sure thought we were "movin' on up" that year. Lol, I was pretty naïve back then.
I've never owned one but with the weather here they aren't needed much. I remember mum washing clothes in a an old boiler we call a copper, I think we were poor, lol.