Are you a thrill seeker?


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy
Do you like to go fast? Do you like to river raft in white water? Would you jump out of a plane? How about riding roller coasters? Do you like a good scare? Ever done something that was just for the risk and fun of it? If given a chance, is there something you'd LIKE to do you haven't dared try yet?

Are you a thrill seeker and what gets your blood pumpin' and adrenaline flowing?

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Do you like to go fast? Do you like to river raft in white water? Would you jump out of a plane? How about riding roller coasters? Do you like a good scare? Ever done something that was just for the risk and fun of it? If given a chance, is there something you'd LIKE to do you haven't dared try yet?

Are you a thrill seeker and what gets your blood pumpin' and adrenaline flowing?

Guilty as charged - when I was younger lol. I drove motorcross as a teenager. Drove a motorcyle hundreds of miles through a horrendous typhoon (a story in itself). White watered the snake river many times. Always loved roller coasters. Have parachuted numerous times. Rappelled head down (upsidedown) mountains many times. And did some extremely dangerous work in the past... Funny, nothing left that I want to try dangerous in this regards. The most dangerous thing I see now is the danger to our country...but that is another topic lol...
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Guilty as charged - when I was younger lol. I drove motorcross as a teenager. Drove a motorcyle hundreds of miles through a horrendous typhoon (a story in itself). White watered the snake river many times. Always loved roller coasters. Have parachuted numerous times. Rappelled head down (upsidedown) mountains many times. And did some extremely dangerous work in the past... Funny, nothing left that I want to try dangerous in this regards. The most dangerous thing I see now is the danger to our country...but that is another topic lol...
You are quite the dare devil there, Noble! lol Who woulda thunk it!
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Naw, not really. In fact just the opposite of thrill seeking. For example, this morning I got a little nervous and fretted a bit about how my raisin toast will turn out.*:( And I drive prayerfully and carefully. :) And reading Noble's Excellent Adventures makes me queasy.:eek: But then again, I go way up high to paint stuff, and I'm ok. Not thrilling. Not fun either.

* It was the last two slices, and darn it, I opened a jar of apple butter. !
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Naw, not really. In fact just the opposite of thrill seeking. For example, this morning I got a little nervous and fretted a bit about how my raisin toast will turn out.*:( And I drive prayerfully and carefully. :) And reading Noble's Excellent Adventures makes me queasy.:eek: But then again, I go way up high to paint stuff, and I'm ok. Not thrilling. Not fun either.

* It was the last two slices, and darn it, I opened a jar of apple butter. !
I'm a bit like you now, Paint! lol Except I don't do ladders....I get dizzy on a step stool! My only claim to fame in the adrenaline risk area has been a former need for speed! lol FAST cars, boats, yupper! I used to (ahem) illegally drag race on the back roads. You'd cringe if I told ya where! lol
You'd cringe if I told ya where! lol
Doty Road is a back road, so not Broadway in Glen Park . County Line / 51 ? Rt.12 between the mills?
Inquiring Minds Want to Know.:)
LOL! Dang, ya nailed it! County Line was the road to go! lol I lived on West Cleveland Ave just blocks from County Line....
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When I was 17, 18, 19 I would try pretty much anything. After that I gradually lost my need for speed.
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