Angel Stories


Paranormal Trooper
Jul 29, 2015
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Virginia, USA
If you would like to read some goosebumpy stories about Guardian Angels and such, here is a good link: Opus Sanctorum Angelorum. Here is one such story:

Thank her Guardian Angel from Deborah R.

About one year ago my family was watching my daughter run in a high school cross country race in California. At the end of the race, we watched in horror as she collapsed at the finish line. My husband and I are both physicians, so as we ran to the medical tent where she had been carried, the worst thoughts came to us. I saw the medical staff carry her lifeless body to the tent. My husband would share later that he feared she had suffered a fatal heart attack or arrhythmia. The next few minutes were horrendous, watching the staff resuscitate her. I briefly stepped away from the stretcher to update her coaches who were just outside the medical tent. As I walked back to my daughter, about 30 feet from her, I suddenly was stopped. I couldn’t move as if someone was holding me. No one was directly next to me, but I was prevented from moving. And then I “heard” a voice tell me to thank her Guardian Angel.

The last time I had ever thought about the Guardian Angels was over thirty years ago, in my bedroom as a young child, right after reciting the Guardian Angel prayer. The force holding me and the voice in my mind was too powerful, so I obliged and thanked the Guardian Angel of my dear daughter.

Immediately, I looked at her stretcher a few feet in front of me and saw the most beautiful sight. Surrounding her were the most beautiful beings. I can’t put into words, nor could I ever fully describe the radiant light and the powerful presence around her. Suddenly an overwhelming feeling of love and peace came over me. I knew my daughter would be ok. Had I not been so hurried to return to her, I would have fallen to my knees in adoration for I knew I was in the presence of the holy. That image of my daughter in the care of supernatural beings of light was all I needed to assure me she is cared for. The experience lasted but a few seconds, but it was a vision into eternity. It was pure gift. And indeed my daughter awoke slowly, and recovered completely.. . . . . . . . .
Commonly Asked Questions on the Angels [from the same website as above]


see the responses: Commonly Asked Questions on the Angels

1. Should we give a name to our Guardian Angel?

2. Does every human being have a Guardian Angel?

3. When is our Guardian Angel assigned to us?

4. Will our Guardian Angel be reassigned to someone else after we die?

5. Can the holy angels or the devils know our secret thoughts?

6. Will we become like angels in heaven?

7. How do the angels communicate with us?

8. Is it possible for someone to receive a second Guardian Angel?

9. Do angels have wings?

10. Are there male and female angels?

11. Is it possible for me to consecrate myself to my Guardian Angel, if I have already made the Total Consecration to Mary?

12. Should we ask our Guardian Angel to reveal his name to us?

13. Do we have to speak out loud for the angels to hear us when we pray to them or speak to them?

14. "Has the number of the Angels increased since their creation?"

15. Does a lay person have the right and the power to command the devil to leave other persons, places, or things?

16. Did Jesus have a Guardian Angel during His earthly ministry?

17. How can I tell the difference between an inspiration coming from the Holy Spirit and an inspiration coming from my Guardian Angel?

18. What about the St. Michael Chaplet?

19. If I send my Guardian Angel to help another person will I be left unprotected while he is away?

20. If I commit a mortal sin, will my Guardian Angel abandon me?

21. Does our Guardian Angel become sad or angry if we commit a sin?

22. Do individual countries and nations have their own Guardian Angel? A United States prayer is included in answer.

23. Why do Guardian Angels sometimes allow us to be hurt in accidents, if they love us and have been assigned by God to protect us from dangers?

24. Is it possible or advisable for a Catholic to practice yoga, even if it is done only for the purpose of physical exercise?

25. Is a woman obligated to wear a veil in Church because of St. Paul’s admonition in his First Letter to the Corinthians that “a woman should have a sign of authority on her head, because of the angels” (1 Cor 11:6)?

26. We know the names of the three Archangels, St. Michael, St. Gabriel, and St. Raphael. But what about the names of the other four?

27. Is St. Michael the leader of all the angels in heaven? And to which choir does he belong?

28. What are the choirs of angels?
I have an Angel story from when I was around 17 years old. I can only believe that she was an Angel because I have no other explanation for what happened.

My boyfriend (who is now my husband of 36 years) and I had an argument. It was so long ago and I can't remember the argument, but it was bad enough that I had decided to leave his house and go over to my friend who lived about 2 miles away.

On my way to visit my friend Gail, I got a flat tire. I was in distress because I had taken a short-cut and it wasn't a good side of town. There were unsavory characters over there and I really shouldn't have gone that way, but I wasn't thinking clearly because of the argument I'd had with my boyfriend. I just sort of drove blindly along my way.

This was in 1979, before cellphones so I had no choice but to get out of the car and to try and walk back to my boyfriend's house. I was still closer to his house than my friend Gail's. I got out of the car and locked it up and it was then that I saw this car coming my way.

Now I knew not to go into a stranger's car, but something told me to wait and to not be afraid! I waited and the car approached me. It looked out of place and time. It was an older car from maybe the 50's with the fins on the back. The woman inside was dressed from the 50's too. She had a pink dress and long, wavy black hair. Like I said, she (and the car) looked out of time! Why would she be driving down that road too? It was not a common road to be traveling! It just seemed odd, but safe (for me).

I didn't recognize her, but she called me by my name as she rolled down the passenger side window. She said, "It looks like you need a ride, Donna. Hop in and I'll get you to where you need to be." So I got in. Like I said before, I know NOT to get inside a stranger's car, but something told me it was safe. So I got in. She seemed to know that I'd been in an argument (with Chuck) and things would be okay. I didn't even have to tell her where to go! She said she knew the Clevenger's and would take me there.

She pulled up to the front of my boyfriend's house and his mom & dad were sitting outside. I said, "Thank you" and got out of the car and walked up to the porch. My boyfriend's parents asked me who that was that had dropped me off? I told them she said she knew you! They said , "Nope, never saw her before!" My boyfriend and his dad went to fix my tire. We made up from our argument and have been married for 36 years.

I never saw her again. It's a mystery still. I faintly remember her name to be, Meredith and I have never known anyone by that name. I always think of her as my Angel. I don't know what else to think!