Aliens - If you met an alien

Well, DoTell gets right down to the nitty gritty! :D
Yes??? Well, if #1 is not clear therewilll be no #2 and #3. Note now no one else lays the law down to them when starting out.
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Question Two: Besides where you came from have you discovered life elsewhere in the universe ?
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Question #3: Why haven't we seen you before, or have we and it was just not reported or documented ?
My thoughts on having an E.T among us: I have pondered this in the past. If there were an extra terrestrial among us and I had to find it, I would guess the WWW (World wide web) Itself was an E.T gathering all the information it can on us.
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My thoughts on having an E.T among us: I have pondered this in the past. If there were an extra terrestrial among us and I had to find it, I would guess the WWW (World wide web) Itself was an E.T gathering all the information it can on us.
So plug into the world wide web like a car's onboard diagnostic (OBD) and download everything ?
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So plug into the world wide web like a car's onboard diagnostic (OBD) and download everything ?
I just think its strange how much technology we have gained since the 80's to the 90's it wasn't that long ago that we depended on payphones and computers were though of as something only a brainiac would have.
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I think there are different aliens with different agendas. My questions would depend on what species I was addressing.

Are you some kind of a robot operated by someone else? Why did you put that implant in my leg? What are you going to do now that I've taken it out?
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