A Haunted Book?

OK, here's a new twist. There appears to be some evidence that Black Eyed Children target those who read occult books. Read the article below.

A Sinister New Side to the Black Eyed Children | Mysterious Universe
I think that it may mean specifically people who dabble in questionable practices concerning the occult. I have always been curious about the occult, but have never been approached by these horrific creatures, although I read about the occult a lot. I think maybe it's more like what he said about people fooling around with demonic energies.
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I don’t know about this theory. We don’t even know what these beings are. If they are demonic then they can approach anyone for any reason. Letting them in or giving them permission to get in your car is the assent they need to get involved with your life. Evil has taken many forms down through the ages. However they may be aliens or interdimensional beings. I think there’s not enough evidence to draw the conclusion that reading a book can draw them too you.
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