8-2-2020 Sunday Live Chat Thread

Posting intention/prayer at top of hour in 5 minutes.
Good evening, my friends.

Newest update on the Mission to Groom a 6 pound Dog. Today, we attempted a front toe nail trim, having healed sufficiently from the back toe nail trim last week. After 20 minutes on the first paw, we were forced to stop for bandage breaks and to sop up our blood so the white dog didn't have red spots. At which point Gabe came in and took the little ball of teeth with him, along with the toenail clippers. After about 5 minutes, he returned her to us with the other paw done. It appears if one uses a large sock over her head, you have half a chance of not bleeding. Unsure if sock was clean or dirty. Lesson learned.

Coming soon....5th attempt to groom the rest of dog without injury.
prayer-intention in 3 minutes
She's tiny but mighty. I tried using towels, wrapping her, holding her with both hands....she bit and squirmed her way out of everything. Gabe and the sock plus Olive standing next to her seemed to be the ticket. I think Olive may have intimidated her a bit.
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Hi guys!
1 min till prayer
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Prayer is on