Add the Richmond Va airport to that list!
Ar the back of the airport is a National Guard aircraft also has many 3 letter federal agencies there that like to do fun stuff.
I've been on this base and it's creepy! Several times while there doors that were locked were open,an armory safe door malfunctioned,cameras caught weird smoke shape things moving and shadow figures everywhere!
Word is it was built on sacred Native American land? Don't know if it's true or not.
At night no one was on this base except for 2 guards. They had no shortage of stories and videos to back it all up!
I was in one of the hangers that had some helicopters and drones in it and nothing or no one else there. I got some food out of the vending machine and saw someone walk by! Well I knew who should be there and who shouldn't so I hit the radio to the guards. I saw someone moving through the hanger out onto the flight deck. So I follow and step outside and see this figure go behind a blackhawk like they were trying to hide. I drop everything and drew my firearm and called in that I had someone behind a helicopter. The guards and my people come and they came from all directions.....nothing!
I felt stupid and embarrassed! Until we watched the videos from different cameras. Looked like someone in all black just moving through the areas I saw it. It didn't walk,but was more of a glide? Unfortunately these tapes will never see the light of day.
The area also has alot of ufo sightings. Some I'm sure are drones,but others definitely not!!
I was glad to be done with that place. The vibes weren't right at all!
Oh! My food I dropped was run over by 1 of my guys and my soda exploded in my face when I opened it! Wasn't happy at all!