6-15-2021 Tuesday Live Chat

Today I learned the poem "Jabberwocky" b y Lewis Carrol is not jibberish,but in fact Lewis' creation of his own portmaneau words ." Twas brillig and the slithy toves. did gyre and gimble in the wabe." Actually means. Twas brillig (4 o clock in the afternoon) and the slithey (slimey-slithery) toves (combo of lizard,raccoon and something else) did gyre ( basically to frolic) and gimble (dig holes) in the wabe (area of grass arounds a sundial). WHO KNEW!!!! See Portmanteau in Learn a New Word thread!


This is for PaulM. ;0)
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Today I learned the poem "Jabberwocky" b y Lewis Carrol is not jibberish,but in fact Lewis' creation of hid own portmaneau words .

I seem to recall from history that Teddy Roosevelt was behind a campaign to change spellings and modify words in a similar manner.

I still read some of those words in older texts, but it never really caught on. I need to refresh my memory on that.

And now I'm reminded of Volapuk and Esperanto (no, not attorneys-at-law, lol).
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Eggs ready yet?

Mrs. GW caught me trying to head out the door with it. We are down to 3, was told I could do it if I went to the store for another dozen.

Its 103 out there, no way am I going to the store!

Can I interest you in the oatmeal?