4-7-2018 MOVIE NIGHT !


Paranormal Trooper
Jul 29, 2015
Reaction score
Virginia, USA

Please join us at 10 pm (Eastern Time)

Its lots of fun chatting and watching movies. We have movie trivia, too.

Links and information for movies are in this thread.
For live chat during movie, go to 4-7-2017 Saturday Live Chat Thread
Note: Right-click and select open in new window on a personal computer.

Leave both windows open for movie watching and posting

For movie watching instructions go to Post #5 below
Check your setup with post #6 below

Bring your own finger food, popcorn, peanuts, candy, beer, wine, soda and other snacks
( Sharing permitted :) )

Thanks for coming and enjoy the movies !​
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Movie Short

The Last Transmission - A short Sci-Fi Short film, 18 minutes

A young Cessna pilot and an aging air traffic controller's lives collide one fateful night in and over Roswell, New Mexico. Based on a true story, 'The Last Transmission' tells the story a young pilot, Delta Sierra Juliet, and an aging air traffic controller, Fred, on the brink of retirement. As the pilot flies from Colorado Springs to Carlsbad, he calls to Roswell, just as the old man is about to clock out for good, inquiring about other traffic in his airspace. Tension quickly builds they both learn that what's up there isn't of this earth.

The opening song " How Deep Is The Ocean" written in 1932 by Irving Berlin and is sung by the beautiful voice of Brenda Lee

Writer/Director - Stephen Turselli
Producers - Bryan P. Jones Elise Tasooji, Stephen Turselli
IMDB Rating 6.8 / 10
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Feature Movie

Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster (1965), 76 minutes
Lets have fun with this movie tonight
A group of aliens from another planet that has been ravaged by nuclear war lead by their ruler Princess Marcuzan and her aid Dr. Nadir destroy several space probes thinking they are missiles sent to destroy them. The next rocket they destroy contains a very human looking android named Frank Saunders and designed by Dr. Adam Steele heading for Mars. Frank's damaged capsule winds up landing in Puerto Rico, but he is followed by the forces of Princess Marcuzan and is severely damaged by them causing him to go on a murderous rampage throughout the island. Steele and his assistant/girlfriend Karen Grant then head for the island to try to repair their creation, but as they arrive on the island, Princess Marcuzan and Nadir launch their main plan, to kidnap as many Earth women as they can so that they can mate with the males of their planet to help re-populate it. Eventually Karen is captured and it is up to Adam and Frank to help save her and the other women who have been kidnapped. - IMDB reviewer Brian Washington

Director: Robert Gaffney
Writer: George Garrett (story)
Stars: Marilyn Hanold, James Karen, Lou Cutell
IMDB Rating 3.4 / 10
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Reactions: Debi
Movie watching instructions:

: If you are not watching the movies directly from this thread (such as watching on a TV or other YouTube capable device), the easiest way to locate the movies is to register on YouTube and login, then briefly play each movie selection from this thread. Then, the movies will show up in your YouTube history and you can easily select the PNF movie, queue it, and then be ready to watch with the PNF group.

It is best to have two windows open so that you can watch the movie in one window and chat in the other.

This can be accomplished in a MS Windows environment by starting a movie and dragging the browser tab away from the browser until a separate window is created. Then re-size the window so that just the movie is showing. The other option to create a second window is to start the movie and hit the YouTube icon lower right hand corner. This will create a new window on some computers or you can drag the browser tab to create a second window. Re-size the chat and movie windows until these fill the computer screen.

The other option for viewing and chatting is to use two devices ( phone, iPad, tablet, computer, TV) together to create the two windows. The second device must be capable of playing YouTube. For example open the ParaNormalForum ( PNF) with your phone and use this for your chat device. Next open the PNF with a second device such as an iPad and play the movie on this device.

You can also play the movie on your TV if the TV supports YouTube/Vimeo* or you have a streaming device like Apple TV or Roku. In this case you will have to search YouTube/Vimeo for the movie being played. A nice trick is to search for all movies earlier in the evening so that they show up in the YouTube search history. Then come movie time, you can easily pick the next movie.

The movies are listed above in this thread. We like to start each movie on cue from a movie host so that everyone is at the same place in the movie. This makes comments much more timely and meaningful.

Note: If you are new to the PNF Saturday Movies, welcome. It is a lot of fun. Practice the above procedures to see what works best for you. Ask questions if the procedure above isn't working for you. The PNF has lots of friendly members willing to assist. Movie night is meant to be stress free
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Device(s) setup Test Video

Mr Peabody and Sherman "Cleopatra" 5 minutes

Peabody's Improbable History "The Royal Mounted Police" 5 minutes

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