10-21-2020 Wednesday Live Chat

Our intentional request will take place at the top of the hour; about 36 minutes. V
Might you have more in common with the Virgin of Guacamole? Oh, I see...:oops:
WandS, can you explain why your avatar appears to be turned 90 degrees in the clockwise direction ? When I did your cake, I believe that I rotated the avatar so you could read the writing easier.
Please include those from our prayer thread in your thoughts tonight.
Nightly request posted a few minutes early

Intentions tonight include all those who have asked for prayer...

We ask that love and protection flow over all those in need and peace come into the world.

May comfort and healing find those who need it and strength be given to those who seek it.

Our special request for blessings for those who have asked prayer from us. May their highest good be granted.