I'm going to go figure out my next kindling and cut it up.
See you in a half hour.
Hopefully Billy defrosts.
See you in a half hour.
Hopefully Billy defrosts.
Good to read you.frozen. and snow everywhere. It snowed then it froze. So we are just sitting around. how's it near you?
Glad it started up for you! Our little KIA, even with a new battery just last month, moaned a bit before starting up this morning.I started my two seater today. First time since any snow fell ( 3 weeks ago ? ) At 21 degrees F it started just fine. There is still some snow on the streets ( in spots) but I drove the rear wheel car to the grocery and drug stores ( same shopping center). It drove just fine. I did not try any "wheeeee" while driving.
Mine started so quickly it kind of scared me. I expected the starter to crank a bit . I let the car warm up good while I cleared snow. I had cleared the six or seven inches a few days ago. Then we had three inches or so two days ago. The last snow was very wet / heavy and froze to the car. I used a long handled wooden spoon as a scraper. It worked great.moaned a bit before starting up this morning.
This has been one whopper of a winter! Any crops going to be affected by this in your area, Paul?The snow has arrived and it is all white outside. this is the second snow fall this month which is a very rare occurance. we usually dont see anything like this and these temps ,( 24 currently, low of 16 tonight) until mid february..... im not happy....lol