1-11-2025 Saturday Live Chat

Morning peeps 630 central time I’m supposed to be in my bed sleeping but big Al needed someone to work with him this morning so I opted to come in and work today. The first of many Mardi Gras balls is tonight which is Romeny. I took some more pics for you guys. The ball maids have their own table which they can decorate and dress up anyway they like. This is their 75th Diamond Jubilee and the King and Queen also have their own tables, of course lavishly decorated.
I miss Mardi Gras. Only thing that was a nuisance, was not being able to cash my paycheck cuz the banks were closed for Mardi Gras ;ss
Well, for those of you who listen to Coast to Coast AM, last night was a first, I believe. The entire show for the evening was canceled as the studios were suddenly fire evacuated. Even though the host was not at that studio, that is where the broadcast equipment and syndication takes place. They've had some brief off air issues before but have always been able to get back live during the scheduled program time. Local stations played a repeat from last Friday as did syndicate stations.

Also, MeTV was off air briefly yesterday due to power outage at their broadcast studio. I heard they came back online later in the day, but they also sit in the new fire area. Burbank and Encido are now being threatened by fire, and that area has many broadcast studios and towers on a national level. So could make for some interesting TV and/or radio interruptions at this time.
We just got back little bit ago from picking up the little doggie. Left out of here about 5:30 am and drove up in some snow and sort of nasty roads. Leaving the breeders house almost got stuck on the incline out of their property lol. Had to K turn and get better momentum to get out lol.