
  1. 7Critter

    5-25-2018 Live Chat Thread for FRIDAY

  2. Benway

    Stonehenge was built in the 20th century!

    With recent threads threads about Stonehenge, I thought I should throw this out there for those who don't know, since many (okay, nearly all) reports about the place are based on the idea that these stones have stood there in that mysterious formation since ancient pre-history. Here is a...
  3. 7Critter

    3-11-2018 Sunday Live Chat Thread

  4. 7Critter

    1-7-2018 Sunday Live Chat Thread

  5. 7Critter

    6-21-2017 Wednesday Live Chat Thread

  6. 7Critter

    3-2-2017 Thursday Live PNF Chat Portal