
  1. The_Pale_Heathen

    | Don't Write His Name | Don't Say His Name |

    Hello everyone, season's greetings. I have had a few paranormal/ spiritual encounters in my short lifetimes so far, but today I will just recount my most recent and horrifying one. A few years ago, I think I was about 17, I learned that my biological mother dabbled in witchcraft and spiritual...
  2. L

    Help. Hearing Knocking 4 times.

    It all started when I had a dream hugging an x friend. I woke up at 1AM to 4 knocks like someone was knocking on the door and it was loud too. My husband was asleep out cold. He is a deep sleeper as am I. And I heard it and then a week later I heard it again at 2AM and last night I heard it at...
  3. JohnHermes

    What Practices Do You Perform?

    I personally would like list a few of somethings I'm practicing right now Raja yoga - This is basically mediation. There's levels of meditation and different types as an initiate progresses. When he/she continues they expand the "self' and all its psychic capabilities. Shadow work - A...
  4. 7Critter

    3-27-2018 Tuesday Live Chat Thread