
  1. Keiyentai

    FTL or Subluminal Communication. Your thoughts?

    OK besides the paranormal anything Space related and Science is my fav subject. When it comes to simple math sadly I am well bad at it but when it comes to the eqautions used in Astrophysics and such I can do them off the top of my head almost as if it's something from the Akashik Record or I'm...
  2. 7Critter

    2-13-2018 Tuesday Live Chat Thread

  3. 7Critter

    11-12-2017 Sunday Live Chat Portal

  4. 7Critter

    10-10-2017 Tuesday Live Chat Thread

  5. Charleh

    Ever wanted a crash course on sacred geometry?

    The original video was published by Spirit science but it seems that the original isn't on that channel anymore. Anyhow, this video is what got me interested in reading up on sacred geometry in the first place. The host covers a lot about the subject but as he says in the video, he's barely...
  6. 7Critter

    7-8-2017 Saturday Live Chat Thread

  7. Debi

    Redefining "Paranormal"

    I've been thinking. Yes, I know that's a dangerous thing. My children have already told me and Mr. Bird has left the room until I stop blowing out the lightbulbs here with the effort. However, I wish to bring up something that I'm seeing in the paranormal world. First, the word "paranormal"...
  8. JustinCancilliere

    Prayer and the Paranormal

    Check it out!! An all new episode!! “Prayer and the Paranormal” With special guest, Jon Mallard Justin and Erik bring on Jon Mallard to talk about prayer and how it made him believe in the paranormal. We discuss how prayer and medicine saved his father’s life, how science and religion are so...
  9. Taliesin

    Time can go faster or slower depending on gravity

    I wonder if the differences between measurements of time, and our perceptions of time are (for example, you feel like it should be a certain time, and the clock shows it is much different than how you perceived it to be) because of fluctuations with the intensity of gravity. It's a fact of...