
  1. G

    My Experiences | What is wrong with me?

  2. garnetsilver

    Overwhelming Stuff

    I'm not sure if I am posting in the right forum, but I have been having overwhelming psychic stuff coming at me. Be assured that I pray the St. Michael's prayer day and night, but a few days ago I was having lunch when I was bombarded with images of men running in terror and one fell down and...
  3. C

    child born with caul

    new here! posting a question for insight possibly just wondering if there is truth to the children born with caul/c section myth. i was n i’m 30 n have experienced many different situations in my life semi paranormal. but my most troubling is when my mother passed away suddenly in my home. the...
  4. Taliesin

    Updated: Possible psychic dream

    Last night I had a long dream taking place in New York. It started off really nice. I met a beautiful and sweet woman on a date. Normally I don't remember names or numbers (from dreams or real life =P ) But strangely enough a couple of nights ago I had a dream of my school crush. And I...
  5. 7Critter

    1-10-2018 Wednesday Live Chat Thread

  6. Eneme

    brief glimpses into the future

    So, this is going to be about the weird kind of psychic moments I have? Idk what to call them, I was wondering if anyone else had them and what it's like for them. Baaaaaaasically, it's like I can tell the future. But not at command. I have absolutely zero control over it and sometimes don't...
  7. enderbey35

    Paranormal Insights with William Becker

    Hi everyone , i want to share this show of paranormal topics, psychic readings, and ghost stories. I think everyone who is into paranormal stuff should watch this. He has some crazy experiences with ghosts . :eek::fearscream::fearful: