
  1. M

    Spell, love spell or what's going on? And what can I do?

    I am here because I urgently need help. I've been dealing with it for over 2 years and I don't know what to do. I tried everything to help myself, but I was only successful for a short time, then everything from scratch. My story is long, I will try to be brief. I am 49 years old and live in...
  2. JohnHermes

    Hermetic Principles - The True Law Of Attraction

    Anyone ever seen the documentary "The Secret?" It's the water down version of the esoteric teachings of Hermetics. Why you see my name as "hermes" refering to Hermes Trismegetus "thrice-greatest Hermes". Timeless universal principles. The Corpus Hermeticum was founded in 3rd century C.E., by...
  3. JohnHermes

    What Practices Do You Perform?

    I personally would like list a few of somethings I'm practicing right now Raja yoga - This is basically mediation. There's levels of meditation and different types as an initiate progresses. When he/she continues they expand the "self' and all its psychic capabilities. Shadow work - A...
  4. B

    The Occult and the paranormal

    I was wondering what the opinions of others here were on the Occult and its relation to the paranormal. I have an interest in both, and I've read from some sources that there is a definite connection between paranormal happenings, such as UFO sightings, and facets of the Occult, such as magick...
  5. N

    Transylvanian healing

    I consider myself to be a spiritual person and I collect objects related to spirituality and magic. I’ve bought something from almost every witch and wizard I could find, though most of them are BS. My last purchase of value was an elixir from Mama Laila (Transylvania, Romania), and because of...