We're producing a TV pilot for a major cable network and we're looking for your personal paranormal stories, specifically in the NY-NJ-CT tri-state area. Hauntings in your home, unexplained occurrences, apparitions or voices.... whatever is affecting you, your family, or friends. Our paranormal...
The house that I was raised in for the latter part of my childhood years is a beautiful American Foursquare built in 1920. When we first looked at the house we immediately fell in love with it and soon moved in. Within the first few months, we had an odd isolated occurrence of a tote from the...
So my family lives in a huge house in a town in fl. They moved in to that home around 2016 but people in the neighborhood have told them that many people have died in that house that there was a shoot out once l. also alot of drug dealers and addicts lived there also the neighbor is a retired...
I have been experiencing something strange that I cannot explain for the past couple of years. I know this is going to sound crazy and the only way to really describe it is I feel like I am being haunted by a song. Everyone gets songs stuck in their head, as have I, but not like this and not for...