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  1. Michaeldecon

    Michael Decon Program - End of Days

    Podcast ‎End of Days on Apple Podcasts
  2. Michaeldecon

    5-24-2019 Friday Live Chat Portal

    Indeed heh all is better now.
  3. Michaeldecon

    5-24-2019 Friday Live Chat Portal

    What a long week it's been thank God, it's all over now.
  4. Michaeldecon

    Michael Decon Program - End of Days

    Make sure to subscribe. ‎End of Days on Apple Podcasts
  5. Michaeldecon

    Michael Decon Program - End of Days

    Although there was so much trouble, just trying to Interview him. Things came out alright.
  6. Michaeldecon

    Michael Decon Program - End of Days

    Max Igan takes us through his trials & tribulations. Activism hurts, being jumped over the age of 40. Second half James Fetzer.
  7. Michaeldecon

    Michael Decon Program - End of Days

    see you there live 7 pm out west... 10 pm out east
  8. Michaeldecon

    Michael Decon Program - End of Days

    No worries, this will be fun.
  9. Michaeldecon

    Michael Decon Program - End of Days

    Live 6 pm pst - 9 pm est this Thursday
  10. Michaeldecon

    Michael Decon Program - End of Days

    Audio is very bad.... A long list of issues... But you can still comprehend him.
  11. Michaeldecon

    Michael Decon Program - End of Days

    The audio was bad, and my internet kept dropping.. I will make up for my sins.....