Malaprops--"What Did He Just Say??"


Open-minded critical thinker
May 11, 2018
Reaction score
Dayton, OH

Comedian Norm Crosby (see above) was the master of the malaprop. Malapropism is the mistaken use of a word in place of a similar-sounding one, often with unintentionally amusing effect.

Share malaprops you've said yourself or have heard.
Once, I was at a health fair which had various people from a local hospital giving talks about common health problems. One lady wanted to know if she should take an "antidote" for an infection.

Another time, an irate customer in a store threatened to report someone to "Human Relationships."
My Mom was famous for her malaprops. One night she and my Dad came home later than expected because traffic had been backed up by an auto accident. My Mom explained, "They had to block traffic, the car went over the indictment and had to be pulled out by a wrecker."
At 21 years of age, I was responsible for maintaining and publishing a home improvement supply catalog. Where I meant to type, “8 inch sanding disk” I instead published “8 inch sanding dick”. Ooooopsie.