Indigo Children


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy
What "signs" or qualities do you find specific to an Indigo child? I ask because so many kids even from my time had many of these same feelings that fit the general description. I'd like to know if it's just there are more psychic children coming in at once now or if there is a specific difference from psychic kids in the past.
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I heard that there are a lot more of them coming into the world now, and they are going to make some changes here for the good. Don't know if they are different than the ones from the past though.
I resonate with the description of Indigo people on some levels, but a lot of it doesn't ring true for me. I think you are right, Debi, that a lot of psychic people are coming along now because of the upheavals on this planet. I do resonate more with descriptions of Starseed, but I take it all with a grain of salt, since I doubt that anyone has the definitive, final answers to all this.
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The Indigo kids idea is new to me. I googled it and read up on it and basically it describes a type of child that has always been around. The only new thing is the name. Based on the descriptions I was an indigo kid. I was a high IQ kid that didn't fit in this world. I had some clairvoyant experiences and still struggle to understand why people act the way that they do in many situations. I was definitely an odd kid and struggled with depression for many years.

I think that this is just what you get if you are very far off the center of what is the average for a group of people where a child is raised. Being smarter than the average doesn't offer you much in an improved or happier life. For one thing, you live in a world where people a lot less intelligent than you place all sorts of idiotic rules on you. Most people can't understand many of the things that you think about. You spend much of your life dumbing yourself down so that you can get along with normal people. Your most common emotion is likely to be frustration. Many like this are seen as somewhat autistic and have poor social skills. A lot of this is what happens when you have a near-adult or above the adult average world view but are still in a child's body and expected to act like a child.

I was fortunate to survive and did so by adapting and consciously learning how to fit in. I did this in part by mostly hiding a lot of what I am. I picked a "persona" and learned to play that part and suddenly I had little problem getting along with people. I still play that part in a lot of ways. Most people that know me don't know that I am a poet or that I write. I chose a rather redneck sort of persona. I'm big and normally seen as very masculine and a little rough around the edges. My more gentle nature and my artistic and paranormal leanings are not a part of that in most ways. My online persona is more my true nature than my daily persona.

Is it that indigo is just another way of saying, odd kids?
The Indigo kids idea is new to me. I googled it and read up on it and basically it describes a type of child that has always been around. The only new thing is the name. Based on the descriptions I was an indigo kid. I was a high IQ kid that didn't fit in this world. I had some clairvoyant experiences and still struggle to understand why people act the way that they do in many situations. I was definitely an odd kid and struggled with depression for many years.

I think that this is just what you get if you are very far off the center of what is the average for a group of people where a child is raised. Being smarter than the average doesn't offer you much in an improved or happier life. For one thing, you live in a world where people a lot less intelligent than you place all sorts of idiotic rules on you. Most people can't understand many of the things that you think about. You spend much of your life dumbing yourself down so that you can get along with normal people. Your most common emotion is likely to be frustration. Many like this are seen as somewhat autistic and have poor social skills. A lot of this is what happens when you have a near-adult or above the adult average world view but are still in a child's body and expected to act like a child.

I was fortunate to survive and did so by adapting and consciously learning how to fit in. I did this in part by mostly hiding a lot of what I am. I picked a "persona" and learned to play that part and suddenly I had little problem getting along with people. I still play that part in a lot of ways. Most people that know me don't know that I am a poet or that I write. I chose a rather redneck sort of persona. I'm big and normally seen as very masculine and a little rough around the edges. My more gentle nature and my artistic and paranormal leanings are not a part of that in most ways. My online persona is more my true nature than my daily persona.

Is it that indigo is just another way of saying, odd kids?
You are describing a lot of similarities in my childhood! I was above average intelligence in school, considered weird and was picked on by schoolmates, suffered depression at a very early age, and have always felt as if I am studying "humans" in an attempt to understand them. Only on PNF do I feel comfortable sharing this, and then only because you have shared similar things!
I heard that there are a lot more of them coming into the world now, and they are going to make some changes here for the good. Don't know if they are different than the ones from the past though.

not sure if there are more of them coming into the world now or if it is just that more ppl are now open to the possibilities of children with "abilities", therefore what used to be hidden is now being accepted and furthered, or taught to embrace their abilities instead of closing them off....

The Indigo kids idea is new to me. I googled it and read up on it and basically it describes a type of child that has always been around. The only new thing is the name. Based on the descriptions I was an indigo kid. I was a high IQ kid that didn't fit in this world. I had some clairvoyant experiences and still struggle to understand why people act the way that they do in many situations. I was definitely an odd kid and struggled with depression for many years.

I think that this is just what you get if you are very far off the center of what is the average for a group of people where a child is raised. Being smarter than the average doesn't offer you much in an improved or happier life. For one thing, you live in a world where people a lot less intelligent than you place all sorts of idiotic rules on you. Most people can't understand many of the things that you think about. You spend much of your life dumbing yourself down so that you can get along with normal people. Your most common emotion is likely to be frustration. Many like this are seen as somewhat autistic and have poor social skills. A lot of this is what happens when you have a near-adult or above the adult average world view but are still in a child's body and expected to act like a child.

I was fortunate to survive and did so by adapting and consciously learning how to fit in. I did this in part by mostly hiding a lot of what I am. I picked a "persona" and learned to play that part and suddenly I had little problem getting along with people. I still play that part in a lot of ways. Most people that know me don't know that I am a poet or that I write. I chose a rather redneck sort of persona. I'm big and normally seen as very masculine and a little rough around the edges. My more gentle nature and my artistic and paranormal leanings are not a part of that in most ways. My online persona is more my true nature than my daily persona.

Is it that indigo is just another way of saying, odd kids?

I never really followed the indigo or starchild / being camp too much, I actually wonder if it is just a moniker or name given just cause everyone wants to be "something" special...… there has always been ppl with abilities and gifts, some close it off or lose it and some don't... why does there have to be a name or group for every little thing...… I dunno, maybe this I just don't understand fully.....the descriptions ive read are actually pretty vague or wide and can be used by pretty much everyone in one way or another, esp, children......or maybe I just haven't experienced it firsthand, one of those "if you haven't seen it you wont understand it" things......oh well, I am of just average intelligence and pretty much just go with the but still wonder if there is actually anything to this camp other than just a name.
You are describing a lot of similarities in my childhood! I was above average intelligence in school, considered weird and was picked on by schoolmates, suffered depression at a very early age, and have always felt as if I am studying "humans" in an attempt to understand them. Only on PNF do I feel comfortable sharing this, and then only because you have shared similar things!
I was actually pretty lucky. I did suffer with depression but had no problem with being picked on. I was a 6'2" 250-pound weight lifting football-playing nerd. NOBODY picked on me or my few friends. I was mostly a loner and at lunch every day I went to the weight room and worked out. I never ate at school. I wasn't comfortable with the crowds for one thing. I was one of Kennedy's kids. They jacked me ahead in the math and sciences such that I had algebra and geometry behind me before I was in high school. The depression ate me UP. I died and then was reborn...
Here’s a simple point definition. I tend to think this is just a name given to intelligent gifted children.
When I read that, Lynne, I realize that is is very subjective. Most people can relate to many things on that list, but who is to say whether they are Indigo? However, I do think it describes many on PNF!;)
When I read that, Lynne, I realize that is is very subjective. Most people can relate to many things on that list, but who is to say whether they are Indigo? However, I do think it describes many on PNF!;)
the fact you notice this is what makes you fit the number 6 example, more perceptive.... most ppl would look at this list and only pick out what they think fits themselves, by seeing that this list is actually made to bring about a narcissistic view..(kinda, in a way,, you are showing real perception....seeing the whole, the what is, etc... I dunno, an example i think, (going from what im familiar with) would be how an artist sees things,... most ppl see a tree, an artist sees every shade of green and brown, shadow and light that form a tree..... seeing the whole..... i was talking with a photographer friend once about color theory, he mainly shot black and white but had an awakening of sorts when he realized that even black and whit is a very large spectrum of shadows and lights.... he stated when he realized and focused on this his work became so much more vivid...… perceptive, seing things as they truly are, takes work to develope, most ppl don't see outside their own bubble.. but i think you may actually fit that category on the list..... good job.