5-29-2019 Wednesday Live Chat portal

At one time, I actually grew and sold herbs from this property, Tony. I had about an acre of "stuff".

I got no further than a herb garden and some indoor's like basil and coriander (cilantro I think you call it). Mint, rosemary, chives, scallions. If I'd had a greenhouse it would have been tomatoes for a priority.
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Is everyone getting ready for summer or winter? I don't know if there is anyone on the other side of the equator.
For the people in the southern equator, how is it to celebrate Christmas during summer time?
About 12 years ago I had 4 acres of "stuff" - mostly with 2, 4 or 6 legs. Now just a back garden, but still growing food for the table. But I am a bee keeper - to one bumble bee !