Dream visitors

I have dreamed of my maternal grandmother, too. She was inviting me to get into this really elegant elevator but unfortunately, I woke up before I could see where it would go. I have had dreams about my parents, too, who are both now deceased.
I’ve heard other dream, NDE, and OBE accounts describing elevators. If you do some searching you may find some validation that you had more than a dream experience. It may be an actual place in another realm. Makes me wonder.
Occasionally,they all look in their early 30's too,even the ones that died very old.Just after my young brother died I had a dream we were driving a v8 car up a very steep hill,we were very happy and laughing until I turned to him and said"you died Marc" and we both vanished into a white cloud.I woke up crying.
Oz hopefully this was a way of helping him cross over and also a chance to be tog until you meet again.
Oz hopefully this was a way of helping him cross over and also a chance to be tog until you meet again.
It's strange how we know we will meet our loved ones again,there is no feeling of doubt at all,its just a fact.One of the only certainties of our beings,but it just seems to take so long.
I’ve heard other dream, NDE, and OBE accounts describing elevators. If you do some searching you may find some validation that you had more than a dream experience. It may be an actual place in another realm. Makes me wonder.
It makes me wonder, too! I felt such a sense of disappointment, when I couldn't return to that dream.
Great question 7. I have never really considered whether any of my very infrequent dreams where my deceased parents appear might be anything more than a dream. But I know two things that those dreams have in common...

1. It is rare for me to dream about my parents but it is even rarer for me to dream about both of them together. I think I have more dreams with just my Mom than just my Dad.

2. In most (very high percentage probably 75%) of my dreams where either of my parents appear, the dreams end up turning lucid. This typically happens once I recognize that my Mom or Dad is an oddity inside of my dream scene because I recognize they are deceased. And, in those rarer dreams where both of my parents present, I typically only recognize that one of the two is deceased. It’s not as if I don’t know both of my parents are gone, but somehow like I process their presence in my dreams “sequentially” such that I only ever get the opportunity to recognize one is deceased before the dream suddenly turns lucid and my attention changes to “hey, I’m lucid now...”

Edit to add interesting perception: I don’t think I have ever dreamt about either of my deceased siblings. Statistically speaking, I think it is likely I have dreamt about either of them but I don’t recall those dreams - I’m convinced any like dreams were not lucid else they would be more striking/memorable.
WandS, that is so well stated.
You touched on something that I was never able to articulate. My Dad passed away 5 years ago and he visits me in my dreams. It is a rare occurrence but the nature of the dream is always lucid. I think lucidity is a key feature of dreams of our loved ones.
Do you differentiate between being visited by, vice just dreaming about, a deceased love one? I have occasional dreams that include my parents, but none I can recall where they present themselves as visiting from the great beyond after death.
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Duke, I experienced it like watching an old western movie versus a new western movie. The film in the camera is different. It looks different.
Good analogy, Paint. I would also add that for myself, I am never in "child" mode when an actual visit takes place and I have actually had visitors state, "I have come to tell you..." This to me indicates a visit vs a dream only.

Visitation dreams tend to be extremely clear and vivid, like on that new film Paint mentions. And they stick in memory.