5-7-2023 Sunday Live Chat

Good evening, people. A blessed Sunday eve to you all! May peace be with you this week.

The full moon ends, and hopefully a better energy spreads throughout the world for a bit.
evening Debi, and may peace be with you as well,
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I did not. Hmmmmmm. Interesting. I'm gonna buy one of them cat towers for him. Lol
The full moon ends, and hopefully a better energy spreads throughout the world for a bit.
but, i kinda like the full moon.... and dousnt it seem like there have been a lot of them lately???...( i know its just me)
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absolutely, the news is the worst thing possible.....way too negative,
Puts a crimp in my search for content, but it was worth it today. I tried to stay on paranormal sites while searching today.
For the record, I have bunnies all over my back yard! OMG...I can't let the dogs out there right now until they get faster. They are babies.