What would you take...

extra clothes (you never know when you may need them) a couple knives (you should never go anywhere without them) a flashlight and extra batteries just in case the power goes out water food kindling and firewood
I’m bringing System in with me. He’s like the Swiss Army Knife of guys.
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Chainsaw. Brass knuckles. Holy water. Dynamite. That laser beam -vacuum ghost - sucker upper that the Ghostbusters use. Nun Chuks. Yoko Ono songs.

( I want these ghosts to be just as frightened as I am.)
Chainsaw. Brass knuckles. Holy water. Dynamite. That laser beam -vacuum ghost - sucker upper that the Ghostbusters use. Nun Chuks. Yoko Ono songs.

( I want these ghosts to be just as frightened as I am.)
Paintman after the hunt plays his recorder to hear: ghosts singing Yoko Ono songs on EVPs.
St Benedict medal. Sage for before and after. Extra set of car keys. Cell phone fully charged. Kleenex in case of crazy crying attacks by myself or others.
You are right on it, WG! And please bring plenty of those Kleenex...Wands and I are known to break into tears most anything.