The Most Common Used Phrase


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy
I would list them, but a staff member (not saying who) messaged me a couple weeks ago about watching my language here when I used the word s***less in a post. So due to language restrictions, I can't mention them.

For reference, I've been told by both sailors and truckers to watch my language.
It’s okay Jennifer, I will take the Mod’s wrath for you...

”B!tch” - use it more times than you might think but I live with a mostly female fur family...oh, and the GF.

However, of a similar frequency is “I love you”... um... fur babies and GF again.

Lastly, “I should be in marketing” as I constantly spin information to give it unique context and perspective.
I live alone, so sadly, it's probably a list of swear words yelled after burning myself, spilling something, waking up, reading the news, listening to 'My Mix' on YouTube since it stopped playing my songs and started just playing random stuff I don't like, trying to find anything at all, checking the date on something from the fridge, realising I risked my life in the supermarket and somehow forgot to buy anything I went there for and just came home with a load of other stuff which just looked cool, or finding the latest thing in my home to stop working, or reading another thing on the internet which is just a list of complaints.

I do also talk to myself a fair amount or to various things about me as a general habit, but have no idea what I might say the most often as I try not to take that sort of thing too seriously. Possibly the waking up *yawn* 'morning! *yawn* urggh. No I don't feel like getting up yet either...
I live alone, so sadly, it's probably a list of swear words yelled after burning myself, spilling something, waking up, reading the news, listening to 'My Mix' on YouTube since it stopped playing my songs and started just playing random stuff I don't like, trying to find anything at all, checking the date on something from the fridge, realising I risked my life in the supermarket and somehow forgot to buy anything I went there for and just came home with a load of other stuff which just looked cool, or finding the latest thing in my home to stop working, or reading another thing on the internet which is just a list of complaints.

I do also talk to myself a fair amount or to various things about me as a general habit, but have no idea what I might say the most often as I try not to take that sort of thing too seriously. Possibly the waking up *yawn* 'morning! *yawn* urggh. No I don't feel like getting up yet either...
Have you thought anymore about moving to be near your mom?
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