6-30-2020 Tuesday Live Chat Thread

Jad is picking up Jadmom's puppy on Saturday, and neither of them have done "puppy" before.
Just take them out 1O to 15 min after they eat or drink. Wait it out till they go. Potty training is the hardest. My daughter hangs a bell on the door handle. She taught her dogs to ring the bell to go out by shaking the bell every time they go out and when they go potty.
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Just take them out 1O to 15 min after they eat or drink. Wait it out till they go. Potty training is the hardest. My daughter hangs a bell on the door handle. She taught her dogs to ring the bell to go out by shaking the bell every time they go out and when they go potty.
Neat trick!
I taught Lola to go on the potty pads so I don’t have to go out in the winter or early morning.