Ghost forces woman to flee home


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy
Ghost Forces Woman to Flee Her Home - Coast to Coast AM

The notorious past of a ghost who stole this Chelmsford woman's hair

A woman in England claims that she's been forced to flee her home and stay in a motel in order to escape a ghost that has been tormenting her for years. According to a local media report, self-proclaimed psychic medium Emily Sparks believes that she has become the target of a vengeful spirit seemingly belonging to a woman named Joyce who had died in her apartment a few years prior to her arriving there. The beleaguered senior citizen first encountered the ghost in 2013 when a diminutive apparition "wearing a mustard cardigan with a tweed skirt" appeared before her very eyes.

Sparks says that the haunting was initially more of an annoyance as Joyce would pester her by turning the TV and lights on and off. Unfortunately, the activity grew increasingly worrisome to the point that the psychic medium lamented that "now she's physically and verbally abusing me." To that end, Sparks revealed that she recently woke up one morning to discover a ball of hair, presumably her own, sitting on the floor beside her bed.

As one can imagine, this particular incident left her greatly distressed, so the psychic medium decided to leave her home for a few days in order to send a message to the ghost that the spirit's antics had crossed a line. Alas, this seems to have backfired as the irritating apparition allegedly followed her to the nearby motel where she was staying and continued to bother her. "She needs to be removed from me, not just the home," Sparks declared, "she's clinging to me."

While skeptics may dismiss the psychic medium's tale as merely a fanciful attempt at garnering attention or perhaps superstition run amok, her story was given some credence by one of her neighbors who has also encountered Joyce. And, remarkably, this second witness also observed that the ghost was wearing similar clothes to those that Sparks had described. This would seem to suggest that there very well may be the spirit of a former resident lurking in the building. Why Sparks has become the target of her wrath, however, is anyone's guess.

Now she reads the bible.. hehe lets hope it isnt to late.
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I think the lady is giving it too much energy,leaving your house is showing that your afraid of it.The spirit would be the one going if it was me and my home.Surely being a psychic medium she would have the knowledge to do that.
I think the lady is giving it too much energy,leaving your house is showing that your afraid of it.The spirit would be the one going if it was me and my home.Surely being a psychic medium she would have the knowledge to do that.

It seems like she should know how to protect herself or she’s in the wrong business.

I'd like to try and explain why this woman did what she did. It's because she's well aware of what the situation had become and knew she was not going to be able to try and fend it off by herself, along with why she would feel afraid in her own home.

When you get hair involved, or anything that is a grown extension of a person, like nail clippings and would be surprised. Seriously, anything. Saliva, blood, fluids, skin, skin flakes.

Any of these things. It's basically having your body stolen and what they choose to do with 'you' is not going to be something that can just easily be undone. It's terrifying. How do you get yourself back? When you really don't even know how to get to the source. Unless it's someone you know. Even then, it's a long ride and would be best to call in for as much help as soon as possible.

That is a very bad sign if you find out someone or something has been in possession and usually keeps them, leaving some left behind as a calling card. Like the hair she found that morning. That was the final defining moment which led to her to leaving for a hotel. It was a sign purposely left for her to let her know worse things were coming her way.

It's a sick World, not just because of the evil in some of the humans living here, but also from evil entities of whatever type that have the ability to come and go through here as they please.
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Thanks, it was 30 odd years ago now but nothing has ever scared me like looking into what I thought was the Devils eyes.I still don't know what it was,but I feel my fear fuelled this event.
I'd like to try and explain why this woman did what she did. It's because she's well aware of what the situation had become and knew she was not going to be able to try and fend it off by herself, along with why she would feel afraid in her own home.

When you get hair involved, or anything that is a grown extension of a person, like nail clippings and would be surprised. Seriously, anything. Saliva, blood, fluids, skin, skin flakes.

Any of these things. It's basically having your body stolen and what they choose to do with 'you' is not going to be something that can just easily be undone. It's terrifying. How do you get yourself back? When you really don't even know how to get to the source. Unless it's someone you know. Even then, it's a long ride and would be best to call in for as much help as soon as possible.

That is a very bad sign if you find out someone or something has been in possession and usually keeps them, leaving some left behind as a calling card. Like the hair she found that morning. That was the final defining moment which led to her to leaving for a hotel. It was a sign purposely left for her to let her know worse things were coming her way.

It's a sick World, not just because of the evil in some of the humans living here, but also from evil entities of whatever type that have the ability to come and go through here as they please.
This is a very good explanation of why she left