How to banish demons out of your home and personal space?

I've read so many times people describe Shadow People as tall and thin, darker than shadows with featureless faces, sometimes wearing a hat (did they have a hat?), except a lot of people actually see them in their houses or standing in the corner of the bedroom at night.

I know the fear is literally paralyzing in the dream, but you need to show them authority. Just like the other thread where I explained how I got rid of my demons and how initially it felt like breaking out of the rock and got easier over time as I gained confidence. It helps if you get angry. Like, How DARE you to enter my dreams, who do you think you are? Get the HELL back to where you came from!
I've heard stories where people really cuss them out, belittle them and threaten to destroy them and make them suffer and it has worked.

If you feel like you can't get angry, some people beam love on them. I had a dream once that I was on a train and as I looked out the window, there was a Grim Reaper with a disgusting mask for a face floating on the other side looking at me. Immediately I became paralyzed with intense fear. But I decided to bombard it with love instead for some reason. I even told it I love it lol, I blew kisses at it. My fear disappeared and so did the entity.

Thats exactly how the shadow which has been by my side for years now looks like, without the hat though. It doesnt scare me anymore, I believe this specific one isnt here to create bad anyway. It looks like its scared itself actually sometimes. For example once by my own mistake, were very rude to someone, and out of anger I yelled at them, the moment this happened, I saw the shadow back off from the other side of the room, startled. Like, it didnt like all the energy that suddenly came out.

Lol about the grim reaper one. Im quite surprised to hear that you could make it go away with that. Maybe ill try it sometime too.

I also dreamed last night that someone told me Im fifth dimensional.
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I second that. That love ain’t for the demons. You project the love in your home and your family, not the enemy who’s sole purpose is to seek beauty to destroy it.
You project the love in your home and your family, not the enemy who’s sole purpose is to seek beauty to destroy it.

Doesn't Bible tell you to love your enemy? ;)

I don't have a lot of demon fighting experience with love, minus that one dream, but here's another lady's story:

The Shadow “Man?” at the foot of my bed was over seven feet tall. At first I was scared of this being (Dark Spirit) Shadow. The more I prepared myself of this entity I realized he needed healing.

I wasn’t scared anymore; it was very dense material of black particles-I could Not see through the dark material at all. It began to show up more frequently throughout my home and when it did I was mentally prepared.

After about three years working with this shadow spirit, It began to embrace love light-I would dance in my mind and laugh in my mind and see the light of love in my mind. Shadow man suddenly burst into flames of hot red, cool yellow and mild darkness the shadows within it’s own material. Shadow man was happy and I haven’t seen him since.
The Universal light is “Love” and Love really does heal all things.

However, I'm not entirely sure if they would just react to the love energy, or if feeling love energy just raises your own vibration, so they either can't feed or are not interested in you anymore.

If you look at the Hicks emotional scale, they feed on fear, depression and powerlessness, which is the very bottom of the vibrational scale. And love is the highest, the opposite of their 'feeding scale'.

Let’s just say I think I met the devil once. When I refused his offer I did so with respect. I don’t care what anyone says, demons are older, smarter and stronger than you. Faith is the one thing that can get you through these encounters.
Let’s just say I think I met the devil once. When I refused his offer I did so with respect. I don’t care what anyone says, demons are older, smarter and stronger than you. Faith is the one thing that can get you through these encounters.
Well stated. I agree
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