8-15-2018 Wednesday Live Chat Thread


Paranormal Trooper
Jul 29, 2015
Reaction score
Virginia, USA
Good Wednesday morning, all.
Got a UFO story ?
Wanna just read about UFOs , strange events, and Aliens ?
Check out the PNF Forum: UFO and Aliens
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Good morning, people! Coffee is now being served. In copious amounts...
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I am slowly munching on a bagel while I sip on coffee this morning. I have learned that bagels spike my blood sugar. I won't do without bagels, just eat less and savor more.
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I am slowly munching on a bagel while I sip on coffee this morning. I have learned that bagels spike my blood sugar. I won't do without bagels, just eat less and savor more.
I never thought I'd hear the words "You need to eat more" aimed at me. lol I hear it now and I still go, what? ME?
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Ha ! I saw a humming bird Tuesday when I got my mail. He actually landed on a branch and stopped beating his wings; something that I did not know that they did.
Oh yes. They can sit quite still, actually. I used to have hundreds of them here. I used to run about 10 feeders at a time.
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We have some Crape Myrtle in the neighborhood, one of the few things blooming at the moment. I guess the bird was attracted to it.
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