The science of psychic ability


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy
New Study Scientifically Proves Psychic Ability ⋆ Quantum World Awaken Your Mind

New Study Scientifically Proves Psychic Ability

We hear a lot of talk about the possibility of psychic powers, and we have all had experiences where we have a sense something is going to happen right before it actually does. It’s not uncommon to have a feeling someone is going to call right before they call us, or to know what someone is going to say before any words have been spoken. But is there any scientific credibility to these experiences? A recent peer reviewed study reveals that the answer is yes.

This interesting new study shows that our minds can sense future events 2-10 seconds before they take place. This study called “Predictive Physiological Anticipation Preceding Seemingly Unpredictable Stimuli: A Meta-Analysis” looked at 26 different studies done over the course of over 30 years which showed that the body and brain actually have a physiological reaction to the future events before you are even consciously aware of it. The neural activity of the brain is triggered in response to stimuli before they are even present in linear time. These “pre-stimulus responses” tell us that we actually have the ability to physically detect unpredictable events before they even manifest in our physical space-time.

Two people communicating by telepathy. Digital illustration.They concluded that ” the results of this meta-analysis indicate a clear effect, but we are not at all clear about what explains it”. Of course, the current scientific paradigm isn’t willing to embrace the idea of consciousness being able to actually tap into the dimension of time and receive information. Because of this, they go on to conclude that “The cause of this anticipatory activity, which undoubtedly lies within the realm of natural physical processes (as opposed to supernatural or paranormal ones), remains to be determined.” It’s a shame that almost 30 studies proving the brains ability to detect future events before they actually happen still isn’t enough to convince scientists to look outside of the current paradigm for explanations.

Full story at site
Science is never happy lol. More evidence that we are all connected. Perhaps it’s not precognition but just our connection to others. Of course I believe that precognition does happen too
Perhaps it’s not precognition but just our connection to others. Of course I believe that precognition does happen too

But wait Lynn. I swear that as I read Debi's post, I though something very much like what you posted too.

So maybe "precognition" is the right word for your first (quoted) sentence. Maybe our strong desires to communicate in a meaningful way - including being prepared to listen well and prepared to respond during a conversation - maybe that allows us to know some of each others' thoughts psychically. Said in a shorter way, maybe our strong desires to connect allows for/supports the psychic bridging.
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But wait Lynn. I swear that as I read Debi's post, I though something very much like what you posted too.

So maybe "precognition" is the right word for your first (quoted) sentence. Maybe our strong desires to communicate in a meaningful way - including being prepared to listen well and prepared to respond during a conversation - maybe that allows us to know some of each others' thoughts psychically. Said in a shorter way, maybe our strong desires to connect allows for/supports the psychic bridging.
ABSOLUTLY! I bet most have had the expierence of our spouses seeming reading our minds. I firmly believe that the core members here that are drawn to participate and stay were meant to be here. I think many of us have known each other on the other side. We are a circuit of sorts. All connected just my beliefs. We do a lot of snap posting here (same idea).
you know when (I cant be here in the past) I had a bond with this forum and it's members I remember once I got stuck in the snow and bird knew something was wrong I didn't get home till after 12 midnight.

I think when you are close to someone or at least empaths like me can communicate with those we care about through telepathy. I know the signals have been weak because I have not been around but I still feel that bond with most of you.
you know when (I cant be here in the past) I had a bond with this forum and it's members I remember once I got stuck in the snow and bird knew something was wrong I didn't get home till after 12 midnight.

I think when you are close to someone or at least empaths like me can communicate with those we care about through telepathy. I know the signals have been weak because I have not been around but I still feel that bond with most of you.
Armand, the bond is still there. I can still "feel" your energy.
At the point that any of the Team suspects they can feel my energy too, please let me know. I’ll do whatever I can to apologize to you.
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