Can Cats See Ghosts?

I think cats are bordering on the paranormal themselves, it's probably just like seeing a butterfly to them.
I sometimes wonder if cats sit and stare at seemingly nothing simply to mess with us. We had a cat that would stare intently at a specific spot, same place every time, then nonchalantly walk over to his favorite sunny spot on top of the couch and be asleep within a minute. No pattern I could discern, other than the sunny shining on that spot where he liked to sleep.
I'm convinced he got a real chuckle out of seeing us looking up where he was looking.
Duke, I really think that some cats have a sense of humor.
Little Joe
I've written about this before but when my female jack russell died of snakebite I felt she was still around and not a snake to be seen at the height of snake season. I went into the yard one night and felt her presence and it circled around and around me as she did playing when alive. My three cats huddled at my feet petrified, which they never do and watched as the terrier's spirit circled us. I told little Maude it was ok to leave now on her adventure and her spirit rose into the night's sky. The cats and I watched her ascend and then I cried but the cats looked relieved as she did give them a hard time while on the earth, lol.


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