Your one thing to fix the government?


Linux Inside!
Oct 24, 2013
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East of the Rockies
We all know the Federal Government is broken. Hardly anything gets done, and the things that are done are generally not in the best interest of the people. Quite the opposite, in fact. So let's assume that you rub your magic lamp and out pops the Government Genie, who says that he (or she!) will give you the power to create one rule that you think will make government run more smoothly, and better serve the people. What's your rule?

There are many things I'd like to change about our government, but I think the thing that might be most beneficial is the elimination of lobbyists. The whole idea of lobbying has been perverted and turned into vote buying. It was meant as a simple system to allow people to plead their case to their elected officials, and was never intended to be what it has turned into today. People should still be allowed to petition their representatives in Washington, but paid lobbyists working on behalf of industry should be stopped.

Agree? Got something else you'd like to see ended? The Imperial Pen, perhaps? Would any one thing even make a difference?
I agree with Nekki. Term limits. Too much power is built by career politicians and this whole legacy thing is out of control. I realize most politicians wouldn't VOTE for that kind of thing, but I do believe it's probably part of the cure to what's going on in our country today.

And if I get an extra vote here, the Lobby groups need to be banned! Waaaay to much influence!
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LOL - term limits was my first thought too!

The other thing I would say that is less specific, but a HUGE reduction in the federal government's role. I think most decisions should be made at the state level for more immediate and appropriate governing.
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Term limits would be my 1a. The only reason I would choose to be rid of lobbyists first is because I think that would make term limits less of an issue. Even a politician in office for only one term can still have their votes influenced by a guy in an Italian suit bearing gifts.
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get rid if the lobbyists. They all start out with good intentions but by the time they are in office.......bought and paid for.
LOL ......they are not going anywhere (politicians) unless a revolution happens , Federal reserve is printing so much money that they do not need the citizens of this country to pay taxes on anything , yet they still demand it . In fact , if everyone in America lost their job it would not make the slightest difference , we have quantum easing which covers everything which includes printing obscene amounts of money . Hang on to your hat ......this is going to be a wild ride !
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