What would aliens learn about us?

Do they really want to know? I mean we don't even want to 'observe' half of what's going on here lol. Now, if they click on ParaNormal Forum, they may see a bit of compassion and knowledge seeking from this group and may change their outlook ;) Plus, they may get a laugh and also get to check out some music lol. Because good grief if they went to TikToc first...we're all doomed rofl.
If they judge us based on our TV broadcasts beamed into space, God knows what they must think of us from from watching all those "Real Housewives" shows.
I was expecting the article to be about something other than our phone and tower output. I guess I was expecting it to discuss pollution or volcanic activity, or that we had water resources. If they are listening in to our calls, I am not sure it would be all that interesting.
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