What helps most...


Sep 16, 2013
Reaction score
South of Indy
We all hit some difficult times in life.
What has helped you through the rough spots?

It might sound counter intuitive but; Humility. The knowledge that I am just a man, with faults and fears, and that there are things in this world far greater than myself. There are powers far greater than mine that control things around me. Typically people think of spiritual power and put their faith in religious beliefs, but it could also be the power of nature, or friendship, community or anything else. It's only by realizing how powerless I am over so many aspects of my life that gives me the strength and courage to recognize, seek out and accept help. Otherwise there is a tendency to "man up" and fix everything myself without the crucial step of understanding that either I didn't create the problem by myself or I lack the physical, spiritual or emotional tools to fix it myself.
It sounds so trite but my faith in God. I think next it would be my family and pets. I know my hobby in horses has saved my sanity by giving me a place to escape and be with like-minded people.
Music has always been a go-to for me to 'unwind'. When i was younger, yeah i had the 'drink-until-you're-numb phases. Sure, it helped for a short period of time, but sometimes that was enough to relieve the pressure. Prime example was when Lauren was killed i believe we drank for a week straight. I don't remember much of that week only i was with friends and we got through that terrible time together. Now that i am older, believing there are things far bigger than us helps. Every situation is different, but laughing daily and putting things into perspective is another good option.